Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Oquossoc, Maine

Day 5 on Lake Mooselookmeguntic and the weather has been beautiful. Kayaked to and from Haines landing (about 7 miles) yesterday when the lake was the most placid I've ever seen. So quiet and calm. At one point I stopped to watch three Loons and listen to their eerily beautiful sounds echoing over the Lake and against Bald Mountain. It's what "they" call a magical moment. 

Give me Strength

It's my working title.

I have no idea why you would care to read what I have to say but God Bless!

I just wrote a scathing email to the GM of a car dealership where I received horrendous customer service. I don't want to go into the details right now but lets just say I have been stewing on it for months and finally decided I had to write in and complain.

Bottom line is - poor customer service is one thing, it happens - but horrible customer service must be flagged - for the decency of professional customer service representatives out there.

I nice glass of red wine and the sound of the cicadas - calms me down.

How 'bout that debate last night! huh?! Donald Trump threatening Megan Kelly! I was insulted as a woman and I don't even like her. So pretty though!

I liked Kasich the most (if I had to chose) but I think Huckabee and Scott Walker were completely frightening, Rand Paul sounded like a petulant child, Marco Rubio is too young and inexperienced, Chris Christie has lost credibility. The rest I don't remember.

The whole abortion thing freaks me out. Not once do any of these "pro-lifers" mention the lives of the women who are CENTRAL to the discussion. These "oh, let's not have the government interfere, regulate, (God-forbid) take away our guns" are totally fine with controlling a woman's right to chose.

Did you ever read the Handmaid's tale. I don't know why it reminds me of that but it does.

I DO think people should be educated! Yes! I do think that women need access to all kinds of birth control! yes! I do believe that if I got raped that I should be able to take the morning after pill. I do believe that women deserve affordable, convenient access to women's clinics.

The idea that these politicians are even involved in this conversation is disgusting to me. How about we make Erectile Disfunction a major topic in the country. How about making it a point that masturbation is a genocide of innocent pre-humans! after all - a sperm is a form of human life.

omg! what! really? I must be craaaazzzyyy!

another subject...I'm kind of on a roll here.

On a happier note - I am probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. I know, my ranting above begs to differ but it's true. I just booked a trip to Italy with my Mom, niece and second cousin. All girls ;). I booked all the flights, apartments (AirBNB) and rental car and will be traveling to Rome mid September, flying to Sicily and traveling around until the 28th, the day before my 50th birthday.

Super excited!

I lost a bunch of weight in the past 7 months and have resumed working out - which is awesome! After 4 straight days I already feel the difference.

I just got back from weeks of "vacation" where I traveling to Maine for 2 weeks, Long Island, Tampa and St. Pete Beach and back home. Actually loved Tampa! I met some very nice people that my husband needed to meet for business - and stayed at these awesome boutique hotels: Hotel Zamora in St. Pete beach and Le Meridien in Tampa. In St Pete we had dinner at this historic grand hotel - Don Cesar... it's this giant pink "castle-like" building on the beach that I didn't book a room in because I wanted something NEW - but the dinner we had there the last night in St Pete was super amazing. The Maritana. We had the tasting menu - with the wine pairing and it was perfect. Loved the waiter too. It's a must if you're in town. Hotel Zamora was beautiful and the price we paid through Groupon was even better - $129 per night was good. I actually got a lot of work done during some tropical storm that I think is still going on down there.

Le Meridien was right in the center of the city. It is a converted historic old bank. Big marble columns, wide halls, big heavy doors... very nicely decorated. I loved it. The scent in the lobby was memorable too. We had lunch in a few little places within walking distance and were very impressed. great tacos!

But it is great to be home. Sitting in the "lower" screened in gazebo - laying on the couch... I am a very lucky person in this world - and I recognize and appreciate it.

I watch the news and wonder if somehow we could get the world to stop fighting and hating on each other and it just brings me back to the old saying that children learn how to be by their parents and the environments they live in... this government we have is full of disrespect. They teach their constituents to be disrespectful and untrusting... they incite bigotry, rascism, classism. They are bullied by the NRA and big corporations, banks, wealthy donors...

we reap what we sow. I am no Rhodes Scholar, but even I can see it... Donald Trump is a blowhard but the one thing he does not have that everyone else does... is fear.