Friday, November 29, 2013

Stream of Consciousness

I'm learning so much everyday - it would be overwhelming if it weren't so interesting. Excited about all the new projects I'm working on and the Digital Marketing class I've been taking.

I'm in the middle of designing a brand of chocolates.

I met this guy who owns a candy company who needed someone to design some packaging for a new brand that he wants to develop. I met him at the Saddle Brook Diner in New Jersey one Sunday morning a few weeks ago and we hit it off. He told me the story behind the name of the brand. It's all about his dear love of a friend that he's had for over 30 years, that just passed away. Sweet sweet story about real friendship, love and tradition.

I can't reveal the name until it launches, but the packaging I designed is beautiful and the chocolate itself is so delicious, my whole family keeps eating all of the samples he sends me! All natural dark chocolate - so, so good! Can't wait to share it.

I'm also revamping a cosmetics line. I met this wonderful woman in Manhattan and we discovered that we actually worked with each other in the past. About 20 years ago when I worked for the Spice Market designing and developing packaging for their home fragrances and potpourri. What's perfect is that I feel like I've known her all this time - and I know that I can really improve the packaging of her collection.

Next week I have a few meetings with other potential clients that are even more diverse, challenging and fun! I have so many ideas already.

My dream is to eventually start my own line. It'll happen, I can feel it happening already...

Overall. my life is better than its ever been and I could not have predicted or manipulated it that way, it's purely organic - just the way I like it.

Funny thing though... a few years ago I was able to write so much in my blog! It was an endless stream of consciousness and now I'm finding it difficult to let it go. I want to get back to that place and tell it like it is with no fear of judgement about what and how I say something. It's a goal of mine to get there again.

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