Friday, December 20, 2013


I saw this documentary about Orca whales at Sea World. You must see it, it is devastating an will make you not want to ever go to Sea World and might make you an activist in the movement to set the whales free...

Rather than give you a step by step of the documentary - just know this, the whales are used to swimming in oceans not pools of water. Being stolen from your parent or having your own offspring taken away from you, being held in these pools for decades will make you psychotic. It's just wrong and people need to know about it so that they can make their own decisions.

I recently joined twitter and have been retweeting this sentiment - and posted one of my own. Sea World is starting an ad campaign to counteract the avalanche of negative publicity and part of that is claiming that all of us who post and tweet are part of a "coordinated effort" by animal activists to destroy Sea World.

I understand their issue, they are going to go out of business if they don't get a handle on this blackfish onslaught. They have families to feed and bills to pay after all. I get it. But the fact remains that these animals should never have been taken from the ocean and they should never have to live out their lives trapped in a container - it's inhumane and this should be enough.

go to
and watch the trailer. I've heard that you can also see it on netflix.

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