Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I want to live in a world full of Love

I actually don't know how all this works. One minute I'm commenting on Linked In and the next it's linked to my blog...

Always mean what you say - is one of my mantras. That and - try not to insult people, even when they piss you off. Let's just say that I'm not perfect.

Here are some things I've been wondering. Why are people so angry? Does the "T" in Tea Party really mean "troll"? No matter where you go in social media there is this mean-spirited, disrespectful, dispassionate, (dare I say bullying) tone out there that doesn't seem to be letting up.

What is it?! What do these people want anyway? We're confronting a world that is increasingly dangerous, with extreme weather putting large populations of the world at risk on a fairly regular and consistent basis.

Does anyone ever wonder how the people of Syria can kill each other? Extremists. Intolerance. The inability to choose to work together even if if means not always getting your way.

We've got to start teaching each other and our children to love and tolerate each other because we're on that path and it's fed by the trolls. It's disgraceful.

The people in Arizona who tried to pass that law in the guise of "religious freedom" - if they were truly Christian they would know that they are the ones going to hell for all of the hate they spread. Jesus was a beautiful, loving and tolerant man. What ever happened to treating your neighbor they way you would want to be treated?

I'm tired of listening to the Fox News idiots day after day - spreading propaganda about how everything thats wrong is Obama's fault. John McCain is such a disappointment - even he has the nerve to insult my intelligence on a regular basis.

How did this all happen? Is this where all the supremacists went? It's f-ing ridiculous and I am so sick of it. These people should be fired. They are wasting our time and our money. Can't we sue them somehow - for breach of contract. They are doing the opposite of what they should be doing and they are living on our hard earned dollars.

What does Sarah Palin do anyway? Who pays her to spew that BS she calls information. She is despicable.

Mean what you say... try not to insult people. But she is so hateful - evil! and I mean that. She and her cohorts are ruining this country and making it hostile and dangerous. They are teaching our children to hate and to be bullies. They are riling up the mentally unstable and creating a culture of trolls.

Is that the kind of world we want to live in?

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