Thursday, September 25, 2014


ordered the iphone 6plus today ;)

what a beautiful day - perfect temperature with a little bit of rain to give the world that freshly washed look.

I'm in a shopping mood - which is rare (good thing), I even looked up bathroom fixtures for the inevitable time when I absolutely have to re-do the main 2nd floor bathroom... this one is as old as the house (built in 66).

Its the calm before the storm in terms of the leaves falling around my house. My house is in the woods and the amount of leaves that fall from now until December is ridiculous.

I like blowing the leaves, I do - but last year I decided that it was going to me be my project to blow all of the leaves (instead of hiring someone to do it for $1500!!).

It's very satisfying - in an OCD kid of way. Clearing the area of every leaf, acorn - wayward rock...
I live on 1.3 acres - and its a major hill from the top of the back yard to the bottom at the corner. I usually run the blower until I run out of gas and if I'm feeling really ambitious I'll fill it twice.

In the end, the tsunami of leaves was too much to bear and I resorted to hiring a service to finish the job. I tried - this year I'll try again.

I'm working on a presentation for Monday. There are no set expectations which are my favorite because I love exceeding them. I love the challenge. The reward I get is seeing actual movement and progress made with the information and ideas that I present.

why so cryptic? I'm not that good at writing?

I had to let a new client go this week. I realized that it just wasn't a good fit for me, no matter how much (or little - in this case) I was making. Are other people intolerant of just making money regardless of how it makes you feel? I can't do that.

She asked me for an explanation and I didn't give her one - just wished her well and moved on. I thought of writing this whole philosophical reason... but I thought that was crazy and unnecessary. I'm just saying no. I think I have that right - if something doesn't feel right.

Before I started my business I had one last full-time position. I learned some really valuable lessons about myself. Stay true to yourself. Always be authentic.


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