Wednesday, January 21, 2015

An Awesome Wave

I have this alt-j song stuck in my head. It's the first song "Intro" on An Awesome Wave. I'm listened to it again (headphones on my iphone). It just mesmerizes me ... are the words just sounds or do they have meaning? I haven't looked up the lyrics because it doesn't matter what they mean because the song tells such a story jus t in the sound as it rides through meandering ...

I've been in such a mood lately - its such a relief to listen to and be able to dive into a song like its a giant ocean.

Their cover of "Lovely Day"... I can't describe why love it so much... it's a "magnetic-chemical thing" -(inside joke).

On a scale of 1-10 I was at a 7 today. Lower than my usual.

I saw a report that said that just the act of laughter is healing... and there are groups that get together, go to the desert (I'm guessing they're in the Southwest) and start the act of laughing - the physical act of... like it's therapy or more accurately exercise.

I watched Modern Family tonight and laughed so hard that it worked and I feel so much better than before.

I had a great conversation with a woman from a large Marketing Research Firm today. Went through their capabilities and talked about my specific interests and how we could possibly work together. Of course I always look at alternate options, and I just started - but its exciting and to think about the possibilities - dreaming bigger.

What is this song "Taro" about? " not spray - into eyes... I have sprayed you into my eyes..."
what is that instrument he's playing?!

I'm relearning how to play "...Why we fight" - the Decemberists. Not that I'm surprised but apparently I was playing the wrong chords. I was playing what I thought was C#m, A, C#m, A... A, Em, C#m, D...

I sang to it with those chords and it sounded good to me! and now I have to relearn it and it doesn't sound right to me... I went to and found at least 10 different ways to play it and none of them sounded right to me... grrr.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pedicures for World Peace

Saw "Birdman" last night. It was really good. An actor's movie. Who isn't growing older and questioning their relevance in the world? the daughter had it right. Who cares? own who you are.

Just finished watching Labor Day with Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin. I cried. They still loved each other after not seeing each other for 20 years. wow, some story - so it ends up great, right?

Why am I obsessed with HGTV? I can't stop watching... current faves are Property Brothers, Rehab Addict, Flipping Las Vegas and Fixer Upper. Who knew that Waco was so nice! When I have trouble sleeping I think about renovation projects; an open floor plan and bedrooms with en-suite; a wrap around porch and a new back entryway. I love how the husband and wife team on flipping las vegas fight until the wife cries... i wonder if it's staged. There is always so much drama but they do love their sports cars.

I need to gut my kitchen and remodel... the floor, the countertops and the tile work. One day when I have "f-you" money - I'm going to hire someone.

Today it was a beautiful day - cold but very bright and sunny. I went to my favorite nail salon for mani-pedi, and tolerated the horrible Korean muzak that they play non-stop. One is a rendition of that Morris Albert song, "Feelings" which is wrong on many different levels. A lot of the music that came out in 1975 was awesome - this was one example that not all of it was good. The first time I heard the song being played it made me laugh, but now that it has become an earworm... not as funny.

Splurged for the "Spa-pedicure". I keep hoping that one day they'll give me a massage like the Vietnamese guy at my salon in Montclair would give me - years ago. It was almost like cheating - lol - it felt too good. I think this foot washing business could be great for world peace. Just get your enemies in a room and give each other Spa Pedicures; wash the feet; apply the exfoliating scrub; massage calves and feet; rinse; apply cooling cucumber lotion; massage thoroughly (don't forget the toes). After the warm rinse a steaming hot towel, hot oil wax wrap - then polish. It's a whole ceremony - intimate for strangers - yet perfectly respectful. I feel oddly closer to the Vietnamese and Korean communities since starting a fairly regular routine of pedicures. Seriously.

I went food shopping, went home and cooked enough food for a family of 5 for a few days. Lasagna, pork chops, a zucchini frittata and "buffalo" chicken wings.

I'm going to go make a green tea latte now - what is wrong with me?

Friday, January 16, 2015

dirty martini

It's been a while since I've written - seems I've been pretty busy these days! Yes, love my new car! It is awesome. Today it had it's first check up.  23,157 miles. i drove to Englewood (of course there was construction and a 3 mile back up on Route 80) but it was fine, I left early...

It was nice to see everyone at the dealership. They're all so friendly there...and of course my car was just fine.

Went to my second guitar lesson and for the first half hour while my 10 year old son had his lesson I went to play some guitars in the main area of the store. One of the regulars had come in and wanted to show me some Taylor guitar... and I played a few of my "standards" -

It was fun, even though I knew that I am not very good yet (understatement) - I have a lot of heart. There was a Martin that I tried too - I think it was $2,200 ... and I was beginning to think that the guy who led me in there was trying to sell me a guitar, even though "he didn't work there"... whatever, I still had fun regardless of what may have been his agenda. The suggestion that I should go to open mike night kind of tipped me off.

My guitar teacher is adorable. Regardless of this fact, he is a really good teacher and I have already started learning new things and have found a renewed inspiration for playing again. He's probably 22ish - plays folk music (as far as I know)... I have to look him up - and maybe go see him play. Definitely have to go see him play.

I'm enjoying getting to know the staff in this place - an eclectic group - one guy came in and played Jane's Addiction... he's good, I always enjoy hearing him play and I like his tattoos. Maybe he can fix up my Gibson ... it's hard to play because the action is too high (?) I have so much to learn.

Came home and played again - love love love

I listened to alt-j all the way to Englewood today - a friend told me he thought that Nara was vapid. I don't see that at all. I love that song. That and Taro. The concert last month was amazing. We saw them at the Beacon had awesome seats and stayed at the Jane that night... By the way, love the Jane - it feels like our home away from home, but the bartender was so f-ing nasty I feel it's necessary to complain.

We stopped into the bar in the Jane after the concert to have a drink before going up to the room. the bar was empty, and we walked in and picked a cool booth in front of the bar where the bartender was standing - alone. He asked what we wanted and I asked if he could suggest something and he said "no"... what bartender does that? It was so rude the way he did it... I mean I could understand if it was busy, or if he had even one other customer but he had no one... totally rude. I still love the Jane however and will go back but that bartender needs to check himself... lol.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

things you love

Inspiration is an important, otherwise life is dull and routine

I think that we've all got to start doing things that inspire us and get back into balance... the worlds been skewing so negative lately and it feels like negative is winning.

Surround yourself with things you love. Not just friends and family - but things too. I know, materialism sounds so selfish and shallow - but is it?

Religion would say that materialism is ungodly - because instead of worshipping a god you are worshipping a thing... maybe that is true in many cases but that is not what I am talking about.

For me, buying this car was like buying a piece of beautiful art that someone designed. I can look at it and admire - but also drive it and "wear" like an accessory.

It fits in with my sarinablackheart brand. A different kind of car (more practical, less stylish, the color blue...) wouldn't make sense and it wouldn't be consistent with the brand message of "love yourself".

I just found out that the day that I founded sarinablackheart llc (11.11.13) is also a major holiday in China. It is called "singles day" and the idea is that you are to buy yourself a gift. Rumor has it that alibaba's sales on Singles Day alone was in the billions. Isn't it serendipitous / coincidental / kismet - that the founding of my company - is also this particular day? I should do something with that.

I was actually thinking of promoting my business on traditional Valentines Day - to change the holiday from one of couples and romance to a love yourself with a gift instead. 

I'm not saying go out and buy so much stuff you become a hoarder... I'm saying, figure out what lights you up and figure out how to get it. Just the desire to acquire it will inspire you to think of ways to earn the extra money or come up with some creative financing.

I read an article in the New York Times about "Scarcity" that was very interesting. What I got out of it was that if your life's perspective is all about how you don't have enough... you spend all of your mental capacity managing that fear - instead, you can live in the perspective of ...say... loving yourself and with that generate positive interactions with people that will then generate a life you love. I don't think I explained that well.

Instead of 10 pairs (or 100, yikes!) of shoes... pick a few really awesome pairs or even just one absolutely fabulous pair.

Learn how to play an instrument. I taught myself how to play some chords on a guitar and it has been one of my favorite things to do to cheer myself up.

Meet new people! especially if they are different (politically, culturally). Find the things you DO have in common.

Give people the benefit of the doubt.

Refrain from saying or doing anything mean.

Be nice.