Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wind and Wuthering

just watched the original version of Wuthering Heights with Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier.

It has always been my favorite movie and my husband decided to screen it this afternoon after a rally of business that we both were committed to checking off the list before we started our Friday night.

Wind and Wuthering - Genesis
I was in the middle of some valentines day banner for my website... trying to pull it together in a record amount of time sorta in the same way I'm trying to speed up my guitar picking. Hitting the chords, getting the notes keeping time.

Such a beautiful and innocent love. But the story really hit the crescendo when he walks back into her life after she thought he would never come back.

In reality we lose faith, forget how incredibly intense the connection is, seek security, deny. It's a game of chicken and no one wants to be the one holding on to the love after the other one has moved on. It's painful ... it's heartbreak.

Cathy ultimately didn't trust the depth of Heathcliff's love. She didn't wait for him.

I cried.

I think because I want so much to believe that it's true - that kind of love... and that what keeps us apart is the life around us. Was Cathy supposed to stay in her drunk and abusive brother's Wuthering Heights... and wait?

Was Heathcliff supposed to leave town at that point and concede that the reason for his existence was gone forever or stick around to at least be near her in some sense? There was no winning.

On her deathbed Cathy admitted that she couldn't live her life with her husband knowing that Heathcliff was there. She couldn't shut off her feelings for him, no matter how hard she tried and so she died of a broken heart.

I do believe that if she had children, she would have allowed herself to live for their sakes.

Valentine's Day. Not a fan. I'm not a fan of the commercialism and false sense of obligation.

Love is bigger than a hallmark card and some flowers.

And you know when you are loved because you feel it...
even if the words aren't there.

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