Wednesday, September 9, 2015

emotional rescue

I just adopted an 8 year old Saint Bernard. Her name is Daisy Mae (Mae Mae) and she is amaezing! (see how I did that) She's 96 pounds and all love - does not drool and generally just likes to be by my side all day long. Luckily I work from home.

I haven't had a dog since I was a kid. I loved my dog - Barney - but one day he just disappeared and never came home.

Over the years I've had 7 cats (Eliot, Daisy, Harlequin, Llyon, Quita, Cookie and Snowball), a lop-eared rabbit named Claudia (omg she was the cutest thing ever), 2 cockatiels, 2 finches, 1 piranha, 1 boa constrictor, 1 python, gold fish, 2 ferrets (Roxy and Leo).

I think I have a thing about rescuing things. I look at all of those Syrian refugees and want to develop a program that pairs people like me to refugee families needing a home. Personally I would open my home to a family - as long as they had government assistance I could happily provide them with a home - lord knows I don't even use half my house.

I know it's crazy in a way but think of how awesome it would be to help those beautiful people.

I've been thinking a lot about Jesus lately. I'm not religious (I'm spiritual - lol) but this County Clerk in Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to grant marriage certificates to same sex couples got me thinking. On the one hand I think it's such a perverse translation of Christianity to pass judgment. Wasn't Christ all about acceptance. Wasn't he born in a barn because no one would take his poor pregnant mother in? I see this form of Christianity that they are teaching as bastardized (no pun intended) as the beliefs of radical islam - and systematically no less dangerous.

On the other hand, there should be a law in place that deals with her conscious objection without putting her in jail. Talk about an overreaction and ironic - since martyrdom is synonymous with Christianity. Or something like that.

I was raised Catholic. Received communion, confirmation... all seven sacraments (most I can't recall off the top of my head). I loved the stories of Jesus and how he was so forgiving and caring of the less fortunate. To see the supporters of this County Clerk defend her you would think she was jailed for refusing to do something loving. This one woman I saw interviewed on the news was so proud of this woman and her faith for "standing up for what was right"... and I found it surreal. Very much like the Twilight Zone.

It's 4 am and I can't sleep. This is what I think about between redesigning my kitchen/living room to be open concept.

I want to evangelize the evangelicals. Whoever has been teaching those Christians are evil.

I love the Pope Francis. I'll be in Italy when he comes to the east coast - probably at the Vatican - so excited!

No, I never go to church, I don't call myself a Catholic or Christian anymore but I believe in the stories I was taught about how Jesus loved... and I have to say that the core of who I am is just that... and that is totally not to say that I am not flawed or wrong sometimes or don't believe in other religions but the things that I believe all come down to those basic principals.

Love unto others ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Oquossoc, Maine

Day 5 on Lake Mooselookmeguntic and the weather has been beautiful. Kayaked to and from Haines landing (about 7 miles) yesterday when the lake was the most placid I've ever seen. So quiet and calm. At one point I stopped to watch three Loons and listen to their eerily beautiful sounds echoing over the Lake and against Bald Mountain. It's what "they" call a magical moment. 

Give me Strength

It's my working title.

I have no idea why you would care to read what I have to say but God Bless!

I just wrote a scathing email to the GM of a car dealership where I received horrendous customer service. I don't want to go into the details right now but lets just say I have been stewing on it for months and finally decided I had to write in and complain.

Bottom line is - poor customer service is one thing, it happens - but horrible customer service must be flagged - for the decency of professional customer service representatives out there.

I nice glass of red wine and the sound of the cicadas - calms me down.

How 'bout that debate last night! huh?! Donald Trump threatening Megan Kelly! I was insulted as a woman and I don't even like her. So pretty though!

I liked Kasich the most (if I had to chose) but I think Huckabee and Scott Walker were completely frightening, Rand Paul sounded like a petulant child, Marco Rubio is too young and inexperienced, Chris Christie has lost credibility. The rest I don't remember.

The whole abortion thing freaks me out. Not once do any of these "pro-lifers" mention the lives of the women who are CENTRAL to the discussion. These "oh, let's not have the government interfere, regulate, (God-forbid) take away our guns" are totally fine with controlling a woman's right to chose.

Did you ever read the Handmaid's tale. I don't know why it reminds me of that but it does.

I DO think people should be educated! Yes! I do think that women need access to all kinds of birth control! yes! I do believe that if I got raped that I should be able to take the morning after pill. I do believe that women deserve affordable, convenient access to women's clinics.

The idea that these politicians are even involved in this conversation is disgusting to me. How about we make Erectile Disfunction a major topic in the country. How about making it a point that masturbation is a genocide of innocent pre-humans! after all - a sperm is a form of human life.

omg! what! really? I must be craaaazzzyyy!

another subject...I'm kind of on a roll here.

On a happier note - I am probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. I know, my ranting above begs to differ but it's true. I just booked a trip to Italy with my Mom, niece and second cousin. All girls ;). I booked all the flights, apartments (AirBNB) and rental car and will be traveling to Rome mid September, flying to Sicily and traveling around until the 28th, the day before my 50th birthday.

Super excited!

I lost a bunch of weight in the past 7 months and have resumed working out - which is awesome! After 4 straight days I already feel the difference.

I just got back from weeks of "vacation" where I traveling to Maine for 2 weeks, Long Island, Tampa and St. Pete Beach and back home. Actually loved Tampa! I met some very nice people that my husband needed to meet for business - and stayed at these awesome boutique hotels: Hotel Zamora in St. Pete beach and Le Meridien in Tampa. In St Pete we had dinner at this historic grand hotel - Don Cesar... it's this giant pink "castle-like" building on the beach that I didn't book a room in because I wanted something NEW - but the dinner we had there the last night in St Pete was super amazing. The Maritana. We had the tasting menu - with the wine pairing and it was perfect. Loved the waiter too. It's a must if you're in town. Hotel Zamora was beautiful and the price we paid through Groupon was even better - $129 per night was good. I actually got a lot of work done during some tropical storm that I think is still going on down there.

Le Meridien was right in the center of the city. It is a converted historic old bank. Big marble columns, wide halls, big heavy doors... very nicely decorated. I loved it. The scent in the lobby was memorable too. We had lunch in a few little places within walking distance and were very impressed. great tacos!

But it is great to be home. Sitting in the "lower" screened in gazebo - laying on the couch... I am a very lucky person in this world - and I recognize and appreciate it.

I watch the news and wonder if somehow we could get the world to stop fighting and hating on each other and it just brings me back to the old saying that children learn how to be by their parents and the environments they live in... this government we have is full of disrespect. They teach their constituents to be disrespectful and untrusting... they incite bigotry, rascism, classism. They are bullied by the NRA and big corporations, banks, wealthy donors...

we reap what we sow. I am no Rhodes Scholar, but even I can see it... Donald Trump is a blowhard but the one thing he does not have that everyone else does... is fear.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Trash and Vaudeville

I just finished cleaning out my office and my son's room. I only scratched the proverbial surface of my son's room by at least being able to walk into it and not be completely horrified.

He's a hoarder for sure. Love him dearly and maybe he's just a typical boy - but omg he's a pack rat. 

Deflated balloons from his birthday party, empty glasses, bowls and silverware from bowls of breakfast cereal, Mac and cheese, plates of chicken nuggets with leftover ketchup. How is this child related to me?!

I keep the door closed so that I don't see the filth but I know it's there and I know that at some point I have to go into that hovel and purge. If only I could completely tile it and hose it down periodically with a disinfectant solution using a power washer - ahhh that would be satisfying.

Oh, he likes when it's clean - don't get me wrong! Loves going in there after I've hauled out the trash bags. He just doesn't love it enough to clean it himself.

Love that kid - truly.

Monday, July 6, 2015

dear diary

woke up yesterday
wanting more creative freedom.
I left a major client
who took too much time
away from

Immediately after I left
I felt a burst of energy, ideas and enthusiasm about this
new found freedom.
Like a rush of dopamine
moving through your brain
when you fall in love.
Immediately addictive.

I won't waste that.

I'm grateful for for 28 consecutive years and couldn't ever imagine
doing anything else.
I'll give it a 7.

You work crazy hours to meet  unnecessarily truncated lead times
in the development process. 

I'm not a litigator but ignorance
saps my creativity.
It starts to feel like work
instead of something I love.
Like I do it just
for the money. 


IMHO many businesses
have no idea
what they are doing. 
Wondering why brands 
as if by magic
don't just
sell themselves.

Someone told me recently that their company was looking for a graphic designer without an ego. Really?!   

Back to good: 
I am loving playing my guitar and look forward to getting my custom sarinablackheart Martin guitar.

It should be ready by December.
My lessons are going well
and I've come to the conclusion
that the more I learn the harder it is...
or - the more I learn the more
I realize how much I don't know. 

12 bar blues is still tough for me.
My new most hated chord is the B. It seems impossible.

I'm almost in the market for a puppy!
and I've also been designing my new open concept kitchen/living room renovation and hoping we get to start it soon!!! I watch way too much HGTV. 


I witnessed a bat having babies
and recorded it on my iPhone.
I especially like that my son and I
narrate it. It's unscripted, funny and it makes the video.

I write this thing like I'm writing a diary don't I? Just trying to reach deeper.

Past | Future
Me | You
You | I
Us | Them

...more Manichaeisms

Monday, June 29, 2015

Remember Brillo?

I was in a cleaning frenzy yesterday. Those unfortunately rare occurences where I become temporarily OCD. Scrubbing the pots making dinner that night, I was so thorough and detailed, used much more soap than I needed and left no crumb uncovered. It felt great while doing it. I can't imagine being that way everyday. In the middle of this frenzy i remembered a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while and it made me smile. I wonder I'll remember them in 20 years or will it just fade from my mind and disappear. 

I was married once before. I haven't seen nor heard from my ex-husband in over 20 years. That is incredible to me. It's as if our relationship ceased to exist except that a star was named after my then married name and presented to me by Elizabeth Taylor thanking me for being a part in the design and launch of one of her fragrances "Black Pearls". Funny. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


0 | 1
on | off
yes | no

I passed the tipping point
A victory and a surrender
I let go
And now I soar

I was in it for so long

It was like the light came on
The sun came out
And allowed me to see
The truth

I was in it for a while
Now I'm out
Black and white
Victory and Surrender

On or off?

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Ok, so my 10 year old son read my last post and proceeded to mock me in the voice of a teenage valley girl - and totally nailed it.

First he caught a typo - that I had to change because he was so embarrassed - since he's the self proclaimed "grammar king" in his middle school.

It was really funny and disconcerting at the same time - I'll post a video of him doing it.

I think I'll take a break from writing now - because, I don't know about you but whenever I go back and read an old post I cringe with horror. Then I thank God no one's reading it anyway!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rebellious me

Watched a NYTimes Video of Bill Cunningham's that I thoroughly enjoyed. "A Breath of Fresh Air". Basically highlighting young artists dressed up very creatively - love those non-conformists!

Also watched a beautiful piece "In the Studio | Giambattista Valli" - Makes me want to put something together - something pretty, sculptural, using the finest of fabrics, textures, details. You can see how he paints incredible and inspiring pieces of art these with these elements. Who cares wear you where them and if... I just want to look at them all day or find an occasion.

The idea that there is such an importance on social media success really goes against who am personally. Don't get me wrong, I like being recognized and respected but ultimately it ends up feeling like I'm selling myself and not quite getting to that nirvana of being appropriately understood.

Does all this rampant need of "likes" and acknowledgement mean that we're all narcissistic. Does my unwillingness to follow the popular path mean I will never "succeed"... that's bullshit because I already feel I have.

It would be inauthentic for me to start posting just for the sake of getting noticed - I'll save it for when I have something to say and let the chips fall where they may. Thats more of who I am.

Not all of us wanted to be the "popular" kids in high school. I preferred to observe and support - experience all that was around me. Schools have a way with making you feel like it's part of life's success to be popular - be the cheerleader, be the quarterback, the prom queen... as if that all meant so much and to strive for those titles were the end all - the ultimate - the purpose.

I could care less. I was happy for these people. Happy because it made them happy - good for them, seriously. I just want to live my life - find people who had interesting things to say, something deeper than - the latest gossip about who is dating who.

I just remembered this girl in high school who the thought of makes me want to slap her. Why? What could she possibly have done or said to make me want to slap her? It probably wouldn't make sense me explaining it but I will try.

She was a popular girl. Attractive, talented - in theatre, sang... happy for her. But she always seemed to try so hard - and I guess thats what it takes to get where she was, right? by trying? She competed in the Townships "Miss [so and so]" - I don't know who won.. maybe she did - who knows - it didn't matter to me. What annoyed me was he blatant need for that kind of recognition. Why? I don't know. Maybe because it felt needy, fake, a show, not based on anything real.

Anyway, that's not why I wanted to slap her. A lot of people annoy me. I heard Jerry Seinfeld talk about how the driver of his comedy is constant annoyance... and I totally relate.

One night as a Senior (??) I went on a double date with her and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend happened to be a guy I had a major crush on in 9th grade. You know the one where you write his name in patterns all over the covers of all of your notebooks... that kind. (btw, this guy was so not like anyone I am or would be attracted to today - he was cute - but very very pinkish pale, blond, blue-eyed...) He is not my type AT ALL. But back then, I had that crush.

I don't remember why we went on this double date in the first place. Oh right, my boyfriend at the time had been good friends with her (even had secretly, not so secretly wanted to date her at one point) - so somehow we all went out.

We went to the Mediterranean Snack Bar in Huntington Station. It was a cool Greek place that had awesome Spanakopita near the theatre that played movies like the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and The Song Remains the Same, and The Kids are Alright.

While we are there - she made some "joke" likening me to some cartoon character I had never heard of "Droopy Dog" Lol, I laugh now because it is so ridiculous... but at the time I was mortified! I just looked Droopy Dog up and I see no resemblance. I'll post it. You tell me!?

Droopy Dog
What annoyed me most was that she plays it off so cooly like its nothing - but it was totally humiliating. What I got from the whole situation was that she felt competitive with me and had to keep her upper hand with my boyfriend who for so long was her "puppy" and now liked me. (I ended up marrying him after college ... as if that's proof enough)

Listen, she was pretty but she had flaws - no lips for one thing. But was I sitting there saying in a flippant manor that she had a face like a fish? NO! I would never do that - even if I hated her guts. (she really had no lips, jokes aside)

I never liked her after that episode. She's a complete idiot! I don't like people that think that they can play me for a fool, stab me in the back, throw me under the bus. Who would?! I can see right through them and they are not worth my time.

Droopy Dog! Slap! If I look like ANY kind of dog its not this one.

Yea, I'm rebellious ... of idiots.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sweet dreams are made of this

I just rejoined facebook after almost a year of abandoning it. I've written before about why I don't like it, but it kept coming up..."did you see so and so on facebook?"

So I rejoined. I still don't like it. I don't know what to say. It doesn't feel like my forum. I'm better here, blogging about whatever and only having people read it - who really want to read it.

and trust me - no one reads it (but you)

No one wants to hear how much I love my awesome car, what kind of music I like, the latest restaurant I went to, the last movie I saw... where I went on vacation, or photos of me (god forbid)... do they? and if they do, why?!! Most people don't like the music I like and vice versa. I'm passionate about my music I would love it if I could find those people who are equally passionate about it.

I was thinking that if my car were a person she'd be Michelle Rodriguez... then I changed my mind. Michelle is more like my Z4. She was beautiful and tough, didn't take any shit... kicked ass.

My Boxster is more sarinablackheart - tough, but softer, sweeter, and a bit more elevated style-wise. She's quietly superior to the Z4. She pampers herself and likes to cruise rather than drag race, she doesn't like competition but she'll race you for fun.

My therapist would have a field day with that one.. Ka-ching!

Truth is, I still think of myself as a bit of a misfit. It's how I see myself. I've always felt that way too... even as a child. I did not like playing with the other kids. I found it boring and predictable. I thought their conversation were stupid and a waste of time. Come to think of it, that's the same way I feel about small talk today.

As a child, I spent a lot of time by myself drawing princess dresses and castles, coloring in my Altair designs book with my new set of magic markers and making barbie doll clothes. I had a few close friends from time to time but I always felt different somehow - like a misfit from the island of misfit toys.

It's like telling (what you think is) a hysterical joke at a party to have everyone just stare blankly at you like they didn't get it. (That's never happened to me of course, but I imagine it could and therefore I would never ever do it).

Risk averse. I am a contradiction aren't I. An extroverted introvert. My therapist told me that I might be an "excitement junky"- what? really!? how did he come up with that one?

I love being home, the quiet. My favorite times are sitting in my bedroom and playing my guitar or working on some design. That or going to a beach resort and sitting on the beach all day with a good book and a Mojito. Don't even ask me if I want to go out partying at night because I will say hell no.

I did love to dance though. I used to go to all the clubs including Area, Danceteria, Limelight back in the 80s when Kenny Sharf and Keith Haring, Andy Warhol were hanging out in NYC. Way before Guiliani's gentrification, when the cabs wouldn't even go to the lower east side. I would spend hours and hours on the dance floor - a little water - and back to dancing. I could dance for 10 hours straight I loved it so much. But dancing was very solitary to me. I would dance with my girlfriends but I was alone in my head - loving the way the music pulsed all around me.

I just found a book about Area

One of my favorite songs to dance to was "Set it off"- Strafe. The DJ would play an extended back beat and it was so great.

I love my damn guitar though. The guy at the music store (I think his name is Mark) fixed up my Gibson. Cleaned it up, changed all the strings, fixed the neck. I play it all the time now, it has such a beautiful tone.

He has me on his radar to sell me a Martin (ie; expensive well regarded guitar). So, I gave him the task of finding a very specific one. I want a stained black Martin with a small body - that plays well and costs under 1K. I don't think he'll find the one I want because I'm not compromising on this one. If he can find that for me - maybe I will buy it for my next birthday.

I'm hoping to go to Italy this year for my birthday...haven't been there since 1989... yeesh!

omg! I just saw the clip of Annie Lennox at the Grammys and it was so awesome I cried. Incredible.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wind and Wuthering

just watched the original version of Wuthering Heights with Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier.

It has always been my favorite movie and my husband decided to screen it this afternoon after a rally of business that we both were committed to checking off the list before we started our Friday night.

Wind and Wuthering - Genesis
I was in the middle of some valentines day banner for my website... trying to pull it together in a record amount of time sorta in the same way I'm trying to speed up my guitar picking. Hitting the chords, getting the notes keeping time.

Such a beautiful and innocent love. But the story really hit the crescendo when he walks back into her life after she thought he would never come back.

In reality we lose faith, forget how incredibly intense the connection is, seek security, deny. It's a game of chicken and no one wants to be the one holding on to the love after the other one has moved on. It's painful ... it's heartbreak.

Cathy ultimately didn't trust the depth of Heathcliff's love. She didn't wait for him.

I cried.

I think because I want so much to believe that it's true - that kind of love... and that what keeps us apart is the life around us. Was Cathy supposed to stay in her drunk and abusive brother's Wuthering Heights... and wait?

Was Heathcliff supposed to leave town at that point and concede that the reason for his existence was gone forever or stick around to at least be near her in some sense? There was no winning.

On her deathbed Cathy admitted that she couldn't live her life with her husband knowing that Heathcliff was there. She couldn't shut off her feelings for him, no matter how hard she tried and so she died of a broken heart.

I do believe that if she had children, she would have allowed herself to live for their sakes.

Valentine's Day. Not a fan. I'm not a fan of the commercialism and false sense of obligation.

Love is bigger than a hallmark card and some flowers.

And you know when you are loved because you feel it...
even if the words aren't there.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Love is the Warmest Color"

Okay - i forgot what I was just going to write... again.  It took me three tries to get to the freaking blog site, having gone through all of my devices... so frustrating.

The MacBook Air was the winner.

Did Steve Jobs ever write a book?! I have to go check, but how could he not have?! My husband thinks I'm an Apple/Steve Jobs fan-girl. He's right.

the following is a link to amazon page of all books about him.

The sound of the iphone standard ring makes me nervous. Pavlovian reaction.

I want a puppy. I'm getting closer to getting one, but I'm not there yet. Jesus. :)

I'm not letting my two sons name any more animals. Not very creative at the naming... Cookie, Snowball... really. ;) We also had two hamsters... they didn't end well. Did I ever tell you the story? It's as good a time as any!

similar type of hamster, but not Rhino

So, we had this hamster named Rhino. He was a cute little guy. He came across to me as affectionate I guess because of his fluffiness. I think I loved him most. Anyway, my parents were coming for Easter. They always bring the chocolate Bunnies for the kids - a holdover tradition from my childhood that I never could adopt.

The kids opened up the Bunnies and went and played some games in the other room,

The next day we noticed that Rhino was missing - so we started looking for him. My oldest son found him in the closet completely covered in chocolate. I tried as best I could to clean him up and help him but he was literally drowned in it. He had gotten out of his cage and found the instrument of his demise...the bunnies. Death by chocolate. The little guy died in my hands. I think he saw how hard I was working to make him comfortable... at least, but I was heartbroken.

Note to self: hamsters and chocolate do not mix.

On to a lighter topic...

A fan of black and whites, the absolutes, the answers.
Maybe following religion is the antithesis of this way of thinking because it's all possibility and no verifiable truth.

The worship of god. What are we all saying when we say our prayers in a church, a mosque or a temple?

"Hallelujah, Bovay, Alabama"

I have been having trouble sleeping lately.

Jon Stewart is on, gotta go.

title are a few lyrics in the song "Nara"
by alt-j

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Why is it that I can remember every lyric to a song I last heard 30 years ago, yet I can't remember the plot to a movie I saw last night?

When I was a child back in the seventies I had this portable record player. It was so cool (back then) - a little hard plastic suitcase with a pebbly texture, white plastic handle and a silver metal closure... When you opened it up you would unfurl the white cord (stuck in a narrow compartment in the back) and plug it right in. It would play 45s. The plastic arm would be manually placed on the outside edge of the record and make its way to the center as it played. And when the song was over the needle would make that scratchy bumping sound until it reached the "end", then automatically lift up and move back to its resting place.

"I feel the Earth move under my feet I feel the sky tu-umblin" down....I feel my heart start to tremblin" whenever you're aroouuuuund...oooh baby, when I see your face, never in the month of May, ohhhhh darlin' I can't stand it - when you look at me thata way-ayyy..."

I saw "St. Vincent" last night with Bill Murray. Loved it. I cried so much at the end it was embarrassing. I won't give it away, but it was worth seeing and the fact I can remember today (not even 24 hours later) is my testament to how good it was.

I can remember what I wore on a date when I was 17 but I can't remember the story line to a book I read last month. I know I liked it or not but I couldn't tell you what it was about.

"Jo-Jo was a man who thought he was a loner, but he knew it wouldn't last... Jo-Jo left his home in Tucson Arizona, for some California grass..."

I remember the green apple on the record, that yellow plastic 45 carrying case that stacked the records up on a central ring that also became the handle.

I had a pair of light pink denim bell bottoms - low-waist with three buttons - that I loved. They were hand-me-downs from my cousin (not sure which - Vita or Antoinette) who lived two doors down. Anything they wore was cool to me - they were my teenager cousins and I was happy to get their clothes. I had no idea I was underprivileged, it just seemed normal to me.

I think growing up and not having money made me creative. When I moved to a new town when I was 13 I understood where I stood on the social scale. It wasn't that I was the poorest - not at all, but I recognized the disparity.

I loved style and fashion and always had a subscription to Vogue. If you had the money you could go to the department stores and stock up on the latest fashions - its done for you - this was not the case with me, so I created my own.

I remember taking old skirts, taking them apart and remaking them into a new trendier version. It was very "pretty in pink" - I think I turned heads - maybe not all in a good way - but I certainly got noticed from time to time with my unusual outfits.

I went through a period of horrific taste in college. Maybe it was just what was available at the time, but when I think back I cringe. The 80s were not good for fashion. The hair was worse. Yes, I went through a moment when I used the hair gel to excess - but soon I shaved it off - my very own rebellion against big hair.

I did keep a few long strands in the front the hang over my eyes, so as not to be completely exposed - but my entire head was right down to the peach fuzz. It was a bold statement that I couldn't imagine right now - having had a mess of long hair for most of the last 15 years.

sort of the hairstyle i had in the mid 80s

It freaks me out to pull my hair back in a pony tail and it makes me think about the women in the Middle East who don't want to remove their hijab. They are so used to the privacy, the security of their being hidden - that has less to do with women's rights or freedom - and more to do with (perhaps) unwanted exposure. What do I know?

Sometimes I think I'm just going to go and shave my head again. Take it all off - make a statement to rebel against what exactly? My faded youth (this time) - my vanity?

Unless you're Audrey Hepburn, no matter what you do - aging sucks and there is nothing you can do about it, you can look freaky with too much botox and some face lifts OR you can just look old.

I loved Bill Murray's character and how it was so despicable on the outside - you're left with wondering how someone could possibly be that way - and compare him with despicable people you meet in your life see on TV... or read about in the newspapers. In the end, he's not what he seems to be, or better - he's not all what he is on the surface.

I've known people like this - sort of. People who will say the meanest things - and on the other hand would give you incredible love. I'm a forgiver for sure. I guess I always hope that I am always forgiven as well.

Monday, February 2, 2015

vernal equinox

I'm always trying to fix things visually. I like sharp contrast, clean lines and  a surprise of saturated, vibrant color. I'm leaning towards hard black metal or pewter, black stained and varnished woods, mosaic tiles, carrara marble, freshly washed cotton, cashmere wool and silk. Shiny silver rings, bangles, chains.
The wind is blowing loud and strong out my window. It's winter for sure - no denying it. Busy time - NYC tomorrow... NYNOW at Javits. Looking forward to seeing what's out there hoping for something different. Dinner with friends might be nice.

My guitar lessons are going well. My teacher is very patient. I think you just have to be a really nice person to want to teach people. It must get very frustrating. But he just smiles and just because I want him to feel a sense of progress, I've been practicing nightly. The chords for Angus & Julia Stone's Yellow Brick Road. I am learning how to pick strings instead of only strumming chords. We're also focusing on rhythm. It's a tough song to sing and play at the same time especially since I haven't gotten the rhythm down yet... but I have made progress this week.

I came up with a funny name for a song. I guess it would have to be country? At least that is how I hear it in my head. It's called "I've got a dog named Jesus and a God named Spot". I'm not a fan of country though. The title made me laugh though. It would be so cute to have a puppy named Jesus that you could hug and love, that has unending love for you and brightens you up inside. And you could never really get mad at Jesus.

Loved the half time show at the Superbowl. I'm not a Katy Perry fan, but her music works for a big production and I was entertained. Loved Missy Elliot - that some good funky dance music. I was rooting for the Seahawks... had a little party, lots of good food too.

Today I spent the day working on an excel spreadsheet. I know! sounds boring, right? But it's a nice contrast to the creative work... I like making the formulas work - its kind of fun. 

The other night I watched Forensic files right before I fell asleep and had the worst goriest dreams ever. I have to remember not to do that again - but I do like that show. I think I would've liked to be a forensic scientist.  

Thursday I'm going to see a girlfriend I haven't seen in 7 years. We're having lunch in Lambertville.
Do we start the countdown to spring now? I'll start...


I need a vacation. Have I mentioned that before... oh yeah - I have.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

An Awesome Wave

I have this alt-j song stuck in my head. It's the first song "Intro" on An Awesome Wave. I'm listened to it again (headphones on my iphone). It just mesmerizes me ... are the words just sounds or do they have meaning? I haven't looked up the lyrics because it doesn't matter what they mean because the song tells such a story jus t in the sound as it rides through meandering ...

I've been in such a mood lately - its such a relief to listen to and be able to dive into a song like its a giant ocean.

Their cover of "Lovely Day"... I can't describe why love it so much... it's a "magnetic-chemical thing" -(inside joke).

On a scale of 1-10 I was at a 7 today. Lower than my usual.

I saw a report that said that just the act of laughter is healing... and there are groups that get together, go to the desert (I'm guessing they're in the Southwest) and start the act of laughing - the physical act of... like it's therapy or more accurately exercise.

I watched Modern Family tonight and laughed so hard that it worked and I feel so much better than before.

I had a great conversation with a woman from a large Marketing Research Firm today. Went through their capabilities and talked about my specific interests and how we could possibly work together. Of course I always look at alternate options, and I just started - but its exciting and to think about the possibilities - dreaming bigger.

What is this song "Taro" about? " not spray - into eyes... I have sprayed you into my eyes..."
what is that instrument he's playing?!

I'm relearning how to play "...Why we fight" - the Decemberists. Not that I'm surprised but apparently I was playing the wrong chords. I was playing what I thought was C#m, A, C#m, A... A, Em, C#m, D...

I sang to it with those chords and it sounded good to me! and now I have to relearn it and it doesn't sound right to me... I went to and found at least 10 different ways to play it and none of them sounded right to me... grrr.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pedicures for World Peace

Saw "Birdman" last night. It was really good. An actor's movie. Who isn't growing older and questioning their relevance in the world? the daughter had it right. Who cares? own who you are.

Just finished watching Labor Day with Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin. I cried. They still loved each other after not seeing each other for 20 years. wow, some story - so it ends up great, right?

Why am I obsessed with HGTV? I can't stop watching... current faves are Property Brothers, Rehab Addict, Flipping Las Vegas and Fixer Upper. Who knew that Waco was so nice! When I have trouble sleeping I think about renovation projects; an open floor plan and bedrooms with en-suite; a wrap around porch and a new back entryway. I love how the husband and wife team on flipping las vegas fight until the wife cries... i wonder if it's staged. There is always so much drama but they do love their sports cars.

I need to gut my kitchen and remodel... the floor, the countertops and the tile work. One day when I have "f-you" money - I'm going to hire someone.

Today it was a beautiful day - cold but very bright and sunny. I went to my favorite nail salon for mani-pedi, and tolerated the horrible Korean muzak that they play non-stop. One is a rendition of that Morris Albert song, "Feelings" which is wrong on many different levels. A lot of the music that came out in 1975 was awesome - this was one example that not all of it was good. The first time I heard the song being played it made me laugh, but now that it has become an earworm... not as funny.

Splurged for the "Spa-pedicure". I keep hoping that one day they'll give me a massage like the Vietnamese guy at my salon in Montclair would give me - years ago. It was almost like cheating - lol - it felt too good. I think this foot washing business could be great for world peace. Just get your enemies in a room and give each other Spa Pedicures; wash the feet; apply the exfoliating scrub; massage calves and feet; rinse; apply cooling cucumber lotion; massage thoroughly (don't forget the toes). After the warm rinse a steaming hot towel, hot oil wax wrap - then polish. It's a whole ceremony - intimate for strangers - yet perfectly respectful. I feel oddly closer to the Vietnamese and Korean communities since starting a fairly regular routine of pedicures. Seriously.

I went food shopping, went home and cooked enough food for a family of 5 for a few days. Lasagna, pork chops, a zucchini frittata and "buffalo" chicken wings.

I'm going to go make a green tea latte now - what is wrong with me?

Friday, January 16, 2015

dirty martini

It's been a while since I've written - seems I've been pretty busy these days! Yes, love my new car! It is awesome. Today it had it's first check up.  23,157 miles. i drove to Englewood (of course there was construction and a 3 mile back up on Route 80) but it was fine, I left early...

It was nice to see everyone at the dealership. They're all so friendly there...and of course my car was just fine.

Went to my second guitar lesson and for the first half hour while my 10 year old son had his lesson I went to play some guitars in the main area of the store. One of the regulars had come in and wanted to show me some Taylor guitar... and I played a few of my "standards" -

It was fun, even though I knew that I am not very good yet (understatement) - I have a lot of heart. There was a Martin that I tried too - I think it was $2,200 ... and I was beginning to think that the guy who led me in there was trying to sell me a guitar, even though "he didn't work there"... whatever, I still had fun regardless of what may have been his agenda. The suggestion that I should go to open mike night kind of tipped me off.

My guitar teacher is adorable. Regardless of this fact, he is a really good teacher and I have already started learning new things and have found a renewed inspiration for playing again. He's probably 22ish - plays folk music (as far as I know)... I have to look him up - and maybe go see him play. Definitely have to go see him play.

I'm enjoying getting to know the staff in this place - an eclectic group - one guy came in and played Jane's Addiction... he's good, I always enjoy hearing him play and I like his tattoos. Maybe he can fix up my Gibson ... it's hard to play because the action is too high (?) I have so much to learn.

Came home and played again - love love love

I listened to alt-j all the way to Englewood today - a friend told me he thought that Nara was vapid. I don't see that at all. I love that song. That and Taro. The concert last month was amazing. We saw them at the Beacon had awesome seats and stayed at the Jane that night... By the way, love the Jane - it feels like our home away from home, but the bartender was so f-ing nasty I feel it's necessary to complain.

We stopped into the bar in the Jane after the concert to have a drink before going up to the room. the bar was empty, and we walked in and picked a cool booth in front of the bar where the bartender was standing - alone. He asked what we wanted and I asked if he could suggest something and he said "no"... what bartender does that? It was so rude the way he did it... I mean I could understand if it was busy, or if he had even one other customer but he had no one... totally rude. I still love the Jane however and will go back but that bartender needs to check himself... lol.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

things you love

Inspiration is an important, otherwise life is dull and routine

I think that we've all got to start doing things that inspire us and get back into balance... the worlds been skewing so negative lately and it feels like negative is winning.

Surround yourself with things you love. Not just friends and family - but things too. I know, materialism sounds so selfish and shallow - but is it?

Religion would say that materialism is ungodly - because instead of worshipping a god you are worshipping a thing... maybe that is true in many cases but that is not what I am talking about.

For me, buying this car was like buying a piece of beautiful art that someone designed. I can look at it and admire - but also drive it and "wear" like an accessory.

It fits in with my sarinablackheart brand. A different kind of car (more practical, less stylish, the color blue...) wouldn't make sense and it wouldn't be consistent with the brand message of "love yourself".

I just found out that the day that I founded sarinablackheart llc (11.11.13) is also a major holiday in China. It is called "singles day" and the idea is that you are to buy yourself a gift. Rumor has it that alibaba's sales on Singles Day alone was in the billions. Isn't it serendipitous / coincidental / kismet - that the founding of my company - is also this particular day? I should do something with that.

I was actually thinking of promoting my business on traditional Valentines Day - to change the holiday from one of couples and romance to a love yourself with a gift instead. 

I'm not saying go out and buy so much stuff you become a hoarder... I'm saying, figure out what lights you up and figure out how to get it. Just the desire to acquire it will inspire you to think of ways to earn the extra money or come up with some creative financing.

I read an article in the New York Times about "Scarcity" that was very interesting. What I got out of it was that if your life's perspective is all about how you don't have enough... you spend all of your mental capacity managing that fear - instead, you can live in the perspective of ...say... loving yourself and with that generate positive interactions with people that will then generate a life you love. I don't think I explained that well.

Instead of 10 pairs (or 100, yikes!) of shoes... pick a few really awesome pairs or even just one absolutely fabulous pair.

Learn how to play an instrument. I taught myself how to play some chords on a guitar and it has been one of my favorite things to do to cheer myself up.

Meet new people! especially if they are different (politically, culturally). Find the things you DO have in common.

Give people the benefit of the doubt.

Refrain from saying or doing anything mean.

Be nice.